NOT SHOCKING: San Francisco Mayor London Breed has another scandal to deal with

by Greg P.

The totally conservative Jennifer Rubin touted San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s endorsement of Michael Bloomberg. . .

Bloomberg endorsements from big-city mayors, many of them African American, including Mike Tubbs of Stockton, Calif.; former Phil mayor Mike Nutter; London Breed of SF; Steve Benjamin of Columbia, S.C.; D.C.'s. Bowser; and Frank Scott Jr. of Little Rock

— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) February 11, 2020

. . .and then the scandal hit and mini-Mike's Presidential campaign goes into the TOILET!

BREAKING: San Francisco Mayor London Breed admits to having a romantic relationship with former Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru 20 years ago in online post

— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) February 14, 2020

Mohammed Nuru was recently arrested on corruption charges. From NBC News:

San Francisco Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru has resigned two week after he was arrested in a public corruption scandal. Mayor London Breed announced Monday she had accepted his resignation.

Nuru, who was known around the city as “Mr. Clean,” and restaurateur Nick Bovis were arrested on Jan. 27 by the FBI for allegedly conspiring to line their own pockets at the expense of taxpayers’ trust.

This is the guy responsible for keeping poop off of the city’s streets:

BREAKING: The FBI arrested the guy responsible for keeping poop off of San Francisco's streets

— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 28, 2020

Anyway, she also acknowledged taking gifts from the disgraced ex-city official:

London Breed, highest-paid mayor in U.S. — who has cop-driven car for personal use — acknowledges $5,600 ‘gift’ from disgraced ex DPW boss Mohammed Nuru for auto repairs, rental.

There was also a romantic relationship…

Latest from @esksf

— Mission Local (@MLNow) February 14, 2020

And there already are calls for Mayor Breed to resign:

Update: Supe. @HillaryRonen has called for Breed to resign over the mayor's acceptance of nearly $6k in undisclosed gifts from Nuru last year, in the form of paying for car repairs and a rental car.

— Dominic Fracassa (@DominicFracassa) February 14, 2020

And here’s Mother Jones editor and San Fran resident Clara Jeffery with an absolutely blistering thread on her city’s liberal leadership:

In 18 years of living here, I find zero evidence that the "City Family" is benefiting anybody but its members, developers, old-school socialites, and tech billionaires.

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

I can't even with how insular and incestuous and corrupt SF is. Mayor @londonbreed acknowledges she had relationship with DPW Nuru two decades ago and that they remained close friends

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

Ultimately much of this corruption traces back to Willie Brown, who once dated Kamala Harris, who's kids Breed once babysat, who installed many of those in power throughout city and still pulls their strings. AND WHO IS A @sfchronicle COLUMNIST.

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

But it's not just the Brown axis of power that's corrupt. The entire city is run like a cluster of warring, opaque fiefdoms and it is SO EXHAUSTING.

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

Emblematic: When Brown/Rose Pak alliance elevated Ed Lee to mayor, leaving Nuru to run DPW, and Ron Conway, Marissa Mayer, Biz Stone, Brian Williams, and MC fucking Hammer tried and con us into thinking Lee staying on (despite promises) was on up and up:

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

And while current leadership inherited, it is unacceptable that Willie Brown who still pulls the strings in this city remains a political columnist for SF's only newspaper/main watchdog.

Massive ethical conflicts of interest are all around us, normalized.


— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

This scandal is farrrrrrr from over.

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020

There's been a "widely held secret" "long whispered about" language in all the newsstories about this, ditto in quotes from critics of Nuru. How about we just air all the dirty laundry and let the chips fall where they may. Can't imagine city would be worse off.

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020